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3.6 Potassium for Pastures

Role in Plant

Potassium (K) is an essential macronutrient for plants, being required for photosynthesis, cell formation and cation-anion balance. Most pasture plants contain high amounts of K i.e. 1 to 4%.

K cycle

The uptake of K by plants is almost entirely from the soil solution. Plant factors that influence the uptake of K are:

  • Plant age

  • Transpiration rate

  • Root distribution

  • Plant morphology

  • Soil factors that influence K uptake are:

  • Those influencing K diffusion i.e. water content, temperature.

  • Soil buffering capacity.

The movement of K in the soil can be illustrated by the following cycle:


Figure 1:
Soil K Cycle


Identification of K status

K status can be ascertained by:

  • Visual symptoms

  • Fertiliser strips

  • Soil tests

  • Plant tests

Visual symptoms

K deficiency in legumes appears in the older leaves and is characterised by a white spotting of the leaves a bronze colouration and dying of tissue from the edges. Deficiencies are more likely in legumes than grasses.

Fertiliser strips

Fertiliser strips are quite a useful tool to diagnose K deficiency but they require careful management.


Figure 2:
Colwell K- Critical values for pasture production.



Soil tests

Soil tests for K have been developed for pasture species on a range of soil types. Within SA a good calibration has been developed for the Colwell K test as seen in the following diagram. Critical values of between 80 and 120 mg/kg extractable K have been proposed.

Plant tests

Plant tests for K in pasture plants are very reliable but as with other nutrients young tissue needs to be analysed.


Figure 3:
Critical concentrations of K in pasture tissue.




 Critical K concentration (%)

 Young tissue

 Whole shoots

Annual medic

 1.0 - 1.5

 1.0 - 1.4

White clover

 1.7 - 1.9

 0.8 - 1.2

Sub clover

 1.5 - 2.5

 1.0 - 2.0


 1.8 - 2.4

 1.3 - 1.4


 1.7 - 2.0

 1.4 - 1.6

Perennial rye grass

 1.4 - 1.9

 1.0 - 1.5


Ratios of K/Ca + Mg in the plant have been used to identify grass tetany prone pastures. Values greater than 2.2 will predict pastures that may cause problems.

How much K to apply

Pasture systems that lead to large dry matter removals can lead to K deficiency.


Figure 4:
Removal of K by product



 K removal (kg)

Legume hay (1t)


Wool (5kg)


Meat (50kg)


Milk (1000 litres)



Taking these figures into account along with soil K concentration the following table gives a guide to K requirements.


Figure 5:
Potassium requirements by enterprise/


Colwell K (mg/kg)

 Kg/ha K





Hay/non dairy irrigated pasture





Dairy <2 cows/ha





Dairy >2 cows/ha





Dryland pasture





Irrigated lucerne





Dryland lucerne






K is generally supplied to pastures as muriate of potash (50%K) as a stand-alone fertiliser or blends with phosphorus and sulfur products.


3.6 Potassium for Pastures

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