Following the success of Right Rotations, the
Advisory Board of Agriculture created the BETTER SOILS PROJECT in
response to farmers' demands for more information on their soil
and how this should be managed.
Launched in 1997, the Project was a skills
development and learning program with the objective of improving
farmers' knowledge and adoption of good soil management practices.
The farmer-led management committee, together with
a technical committee comprising of researchers, soil specialists,
agronomists, communicators and farmers, designed a program of 10
workshops to cover a wide spectrum of soil topics.
Feedback from participants and presenters gathered
during the life of the Project helped to reshape the original plan
into a series of three workshops and two research roadshows,
together with on-farm trials and soil and root pit field days.
Collectively, over 2,500 land managers and
advisers in South Australia have been involved in BETTER SOILS
activities and most of these will have attended more than one
It is estimated that these participants represent
approximately 500,000 hectares of cropping, pasture and
viticultural land in South Australia, approximately 18% of
cropping land in the state.
Feedback indicates the Project has stimulated
change and increased adoption of more sustainable soil management.
50% of participants indicated their intention to change soil
management practices following attendance at one or more of the
Following the second workshop - 'Nutrition and the
soil' - 33% of the 650 participants named a change in soil
management practice which they had adopted since attending the
first workshop held six months earlier.
BETTER SOILS has delivered workshops, on-farm
trials, soil and root pit days and conference speakers to over 60
Bureaus and groups across South Australia. This has been achieved
with assistance from over 65 collaborators.
Ultimately the BETTER SOILS PROJECT would not have
occurred without the generous funding support of the Grains
Research and Development Corporation, Natural Heritage Trust,
Primary Industries and Resources SA and FarmBis.
Support material produced for the Project has been
distributed right across Australia and much of the information
collated by the BETTER SOILS PROJECT has been developed into nine
TOPACTIVE workshops and this website to ensure its continued
Farm Monitoring Handbook, The University of
Western Australia, 1992, N Hunt, R Gilkes.
Guidelines for Interpretation of Soil Results
- Primary Industries and Resources, SA.
Guidelines for the Assessment of Agricultural
Land, PIRSA 1993, D Maschmedt.
Life in the Soil, CRC for Soil & Land
Management, 1997, VVSR Gupta, SM Neate, EC Leonard.
Managing Sodic, Acidic and Saline Soils, CRC
for Soil & Land Management, 1997, P Rengasamy, J Bourne.
McLaughlan et al. Australian Journal of Soil
Research, 1998. 26, 343-353.
Nutrition Tool Kit, PIRSA, 1994, R Payne.
Plant Nutrition and Soil Fertility, Hi-Fert,
1997, B Bull.
Principles and Practices of Soil Science, The
soil as a natural resource. Blackwell Science, 1997, RE White.
Soil, Department of Agriculture Bulletin 462,
1960, JPB Blencowe, SD Moore, GJ Young, RC Shearer, R
Hagerstrom, WM Conley, JS Potter.
Soil Description Handbook, Mid North Edition,
PIRSA, 1993, D Woodard, J Thomas.
Soil Guide, Bulletin 4343, Agriculture Western
Australia, 1998, G Moore.
Soils - an outline of their properties and
management, CSIRO Division of Soils, 1978, K Handreck et al.
Surface Covers for Soil Protection, 1993, T
Herrmann, Primary Industries SA.
Understanding Soils, The Australian
Grapegrower and Winemaker, 1998, A Cass et al.
Albert Rovira, then CRC Soil & Land
Alf Cass, then CRC Soil & Land Management
Ann Price, farmer, Better Soils Committee
Bill Blumsom, farmer, Better Soils Committee
Brian Hughes, PIRSA
Carol Scholfield, farmer, Better Soils
Cliff Hignett, Soil Water Solutions
CRC Soil & Land Management
CSIRO Land & Water
Dale Lewis, PIRSA
David Brown, agronomist, Better Soils
David Woodard, PIRSA,
Emma Leonard, Jon Lamb Communications
Graham Ashman, farmer, Better Soils Committee
Hi-Fert for use of material from their
publication Plant Nutrition and Soil Fertility.
Ian Boothy, Pivot
Ian Grant, then Hifert
Ian Grierson, University Adelaide, Better
Soils Committee
Jay Cummins, PIRSA, Better Soils Committee
Lawrie Merrit, farmer, Better Soils Committee
Mark Potter, SARDI
Michael Richards, farmer, Better Soils
Micharl Wurst, PIRSA
Neville Angel, farmer, Better Soils Committee
Nigel Wilhelm, SARDI
Richard Payne, PIRSA, Better Soils Committee
Rob Rees, PIRSA, Better Soils Committee
Rodney Bell, farmer, Better Soils Committee
Roger Neild, farmer, Better Soils Committee
Ross Ballard, SARDI
Sally Smith, University of Adelaide
Stepehen Neate, CSIRO
Syd Nairn, farmer, Better Soils Committee
Tim Herrmann, PIRSA
Trevor Polkinghorne, farmer, Agricultural
Bureau of SA
Tim Prance, PIRSA
Timothy Tuck, Big Break Productions
Tom Yeatman, PIRSA
Trent Scholz, Pivot
Trevor Wilksch, farmer, Better Soils Committee
Vadakattu Gupta, CSIRO
Vivien Vanstone, University of Adelaide