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6.3 Test Your Soil Strength

Soil strength should be tested after a good soaking rain when the soil is at field capacity. Note that soil strength may be irrelevant if the soil has many pores and cracks for roots to grow through.


Less than 1 MPa - Roots and shoots will grow through the soil without difficulty. Physical quality is good.

1 MPa - 3 MPa - seeding emergence will be retarded and root growth may be restricted. If resistance is greater than 1 MPa at field capacity, resistance is likely to increase to above 3 MPa before wilting point is reached. Root growth will be limited to periods when the soil is wet, just after rainfall. Physical quality is moderate.

Above 3 MPa - soil strength will limit root growth most of the year and physical quality is poor.


6.3 Test Your Soil Strength

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