

Cliff Hignett has trained TAFE students in land mangement, university graduates in soil physic, helped communicate the latest developments in soil science to wheat farmers across South Australia and taught primary school children to identify soils. 

Cliff was one of the authors of the book ‘Better Soils means better business’ - now out of print.   BUT that entire book is now available on the web at  It was written as a DIY guide for farmers who wish to improve their productivity.  Most farmers know what the best yields in the district are.   If you are not up there with the best, then you can go to the web site and follow the step by step guide  to identify the problem and possibly solve it.   After 40 years experience, I can tell you that most of the work is identifying the problem.   The web site can show you where to look. 

FARMBIZ questionaires showed farmers rated Cliff’s  ‘better soils’ talks extremely highly, with as many as 80% of farmers saying they learned something new that they would apply on their properties.

One of the more fun jobs is to introduce  primary school students to the pleasures of measuring soil texture This time at a Mt Compass Field Day

Clif_and Kids_sml03
Down_Pit at YP_sml

Looking for limits to production in a soil pit on Yorke Peninsula at Farmers Field Day