

Soil Water Solutions is a consultancy specialising in the relationship between plants, soils and water.  We back our advice with a comprehensive range of  laboratory services to measure the relation between root systems, soils and water and a range of  equipment  needed by those measuring the soil physical environment.

Since 1996, we have provided one of the very few places in Australia where the soil properties needed for precision irrigation can be measured

The principal consultant at Soil Water Solutions is  Cliff Hignett,  B AppSci
Cliff’s primary expertise is in matters relating to the interface between plants and soils: root systems, water storage in soils, water entry into soils, soil barriers to root development, rehabilitation of degraded soils etc.   Soil Water Solutions, keeps abreast of the latest services, technology and developments in the industry and is the sole provider of several items of equipment used in the field.

Cliff had 35 years experience in CSIRO dealing with problems relating to the water use of crops, problems with soil hard pans, effects of salinity and other soil environment issues.   He spent 5 years with the CSIRO Minesite Rehabilitation Group working on problems of rehabillitating mined areas. 

Since setting up Soil Water Solutions in 1996,  Cliff has worked on a diverse range of soil and water problems from mapping soils, to correcting problems with soil water entry into soils, and problems of getting roots access to soil and water..  Projects have been completed in every state in Australia. 

He regularly is asked to speak at grower meetings where he usually talks about how Australia’s very old and worn out soils can be given a new lease of life, or how soils can be constructed to achieve maximum production for a particular crop.  Recently Cliff has been talking to growers and others about the progress of Goyders line across SA (now traveling south at 1km/yr) and the implication for farming risks and soil management

Clients of Soil Water Solutions include: Energy Resources Australia, Southcorp Wines, Torrens TAFE, Jon Lamb Communications, PIRSA, SARDI, Southern York Peninsula Alkaline Soils Group, Measurement Engineering Australia, International Atomic Energy Agency, local councils, SENRAC, and many engineering companies and farming and horticultural businesses.