
soil sampling

The appropriate sampling method depends on why you are sampling the soil. Soil Water Solutions  sell two types of samplers and an ‘installer’ which is not intended to take a sample but to make a hole into which an instrument will  be installed.  The main difference is whether the soil is disturbed during sampling(mixed & broken up) or whether the sampler removes a portion of soil without disturbance.   Mesurements of soil-water interaction generally must have undisturbed samples as they are affected by the structure of pores in the soil.

1. 50mm diameter soil auger- to obtain  a disturbed soil sample from depths up to 2m (most commonly 0-1m). (We can supply larger augers but these can be obtained more cheaply from most hardware stores)

2. Tanner Sampler - to obtain undisturbed soil samples from surface, or near surface soils or the walls of a pit.

3. Tube sampler tips - to make tube samplers - these are usually used with a jack hammer or as an accessory for truck mounted hydraulic soil samplers.  Samples are disturbed - but not as badly as with auger sampling

4. Munsell colour books

5. Easily visible large scales / Pit scales to hang on a pit wall for depth indication

 50mm diameter soil auger

Supplied (usually) with a 1.2m handle (other sizes on application)

Price $80   


Tanner sampler - Kit comprises a steel box with the sample guide, piston, rubber hammer, and 25 stainless steel sample rings with water proof lids.  Kit price $1100

Additional ring sets (ring with two lids) are available $25 each spare lids  $2 each 

This sampler complies with the standard that the sample ring area is < 5% of the sampled soil face to ensure that compaction of the sample is negligible.


Tube sampler replacement tips.   These are ‘Stace’ tube tips  which can be fitted to readily available steel tubes so that when pushed into the soil (with a hammer or hydraulic ram), the soil sample inside the tube is smaller than the inner tube diameter (so comes out easily) and the hole made in the soil is larger than the outer tube diameter (so the tube can be removed easily) This is the easiest way to extract soil samples in quantity from depths up to 2m.  The samples ARE disturbed - even if they don’t appear to be

Ring for price .

Munsel colour books:

We no longer sell these books,    They can be bought on line from Soil Color Book

These are sourced from overseas so the price may vary a bit - around $200 USD Check that the book includes 10YR and 7.5YR pages for the Australian gleyed soils. .

Pit scales : these are easily seen and photographed scales for hanging on the side of soil pits to indicate depth

The large numbers are 10cm divisions, the scale marks are 1cm  $50 GST incl

