The appropriate sampling method depends on why you are sampling the soil. Soil Water Solutions sell two types of samplers and an ‘installer’ which is not intended to take a sample but to make a hole into which an instrument will be installed. The main difference is whether the soil is disturbed during sampling(mixed & broken up) or whether the sampler removes a portion of soil without disturbance. Mesurements of soil-water interaction generally must have undisturbed samples as they are affected by the structure of pores in the soil.
1. 50mm diameter soil auger- to obtain a disturbed soil sample from depths up to 2m (most commonly 0-1m). (We can supply larger augers but these can be obtained more cheaply from most hardware stores)
2. Tanner Sampler - to obtain undisturbed soil samples from surface, or near surface soils or the walls of a pit.
3. Tube sampler tips - to make tube samplers - these are usually used with a jack hammer or as an accessory for truck mounted hydraulic soil samplers. Samples are disturbed - but not as badly as with auger sampling
4. Munsell colour books
5. Easily visible large scales / Pit scales to hang on a pit wall for depth indication