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A major advance in Reverse Osmosis Technology

Rochem"s disc module technology has created major advances in the field of REVERSE OSMOSIS and its use in the desalination and purification of seawater, brackish water and city water.

The patented DT-Membrane-Module is a modern design for desalination and purification of liquids. It operates effectively and economically also at increased turbidity and Silt Density Index levels for reverse osmosis.

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  • Minimises membrane scaling and fouling.

While the performance of the other types of RO system can be limited by membrane scaling and fouling, the unique fluid dynamics of the plate system have resolved this problem to an easily controllable degree.

  • Simplified pre-filtration

The open channel PALL ROCHEM RO DT modules can operate whithout problems on filtered sea water with a Silt Density Index (SDI) as high as 15-20.Other module systems specify SDI limits as low as 3 which require complex filtration and chemical treatments.

SDI requirements of PALL ROCHEM DT systems can easily be provided by simple sand and cartridge filters.

  • High recovery rates for low energy costs

Up to 30% from seawater -

energy costs average only 10 kWh/m3 of pure water.

Up to 75% from brackish water (TDS = 5.000 ppm) - average 4 kWh/m3 of pure water.

Up to 85% from city water (TDS = 800 ppm) - average 2 kWh/m3 of pure water.

These figures relate to standard systems so if brine energy recovery is also employed for seawater desalination energy costs can be reduced by as much as a further 50%.

  • No chemical operating costs

Unlike other RO systems the PALL ROCHEM DT Module technology means that no permanent feedwater pretreatment with acid is required at sea water desalination.

  • Long membrane life

The combination of low membrane scaling and fouling, highly stable membranes and a simple and effective inbuilt cleaning system means that membrane life-expectancy is not normally limited by feedwater pollution in the PALL Rochem system. Useful membrane life of 5 years or more has proved to be a realistic figure.

Why is the PALL-ROCHEM-DT-MODULE-SYSTEM the best choice in RO?

Firstly, the patented fluid dynamics and construction of the disc membrane stack result in an open channel, unrestricted and fully turbulent feedwater flow system. This means that suspended solids carried in the feedwater cannot be trapped or easily settle out inside the membrane module. Most importantly it also means that the infrequent and highly succesful maintenance cleaning of the membranes can be achieved using a standard inbuilt cleaning system.

Secondly, PALL ROCHEM is commited to the use of only the highest quality of components, materials and methods of design and construction to ensure for the end user 24 hours per day reliability and product water quality.

  • Lower membrane replacement costs

Spirally wound and hollow fine fibre membrane elements are life-sealed at manufacture so the complete element must be replaced at relatively high cost, but the DT Module system offers the possibility of replacing individual sheets of membrane at a fraction of the cost.

  • Easy access to all membranes

Modules can easily be opened up to permit replacement or inspection of each membrane cushion. This is impossible on other types of RO modules.

  • High quality product water / Latest membrane technology

Standard PALL ROCHEM RO systems use the latest technology, chemical stable, Thin Film Composite (TFC) membrane materials. In addition, the use of membranes in sheet form means that we can select and accurately control the quality of the installed membrane to ensure minimal salt passage to consistently produce high quality permeate.

  • Fail-safe unattended operation

The only moving parts in the system are the pumps and all operating functions are automatically controlled and failsafe. No special skills are required to operate the system.

  • Compact and flexible modular units

The truly modular design and construction of all standard units simplifiestransportation and installation in a minimum of floor space.


Designed and constructed for continuous operation to desalt and purify: SEA WATER - BRACKISH WATER - CITY WATER

  • With comprehensive standard features

Features such as filter booster pump, filtration package, inbuilt cleaning system, automatic pressure regulation, flow control, full instrumentation and fail-safe protection are fitted as standard-not expensive though necessary `options' as in the case of many other systems.

  • And additional facilities

The basic system design allows for a building block concept or modular expansion to incorporate-either at the factory or as a later retrofit-additional facilities to meet the changing needs of the operator. For example raw water pre-heaters can be included with no modifications to the basic system. Carbon filters, pure water distribution systems, ultra violet and/or chlorine dosing systems etc can also be easily interfaced with the basic system.

  • Low-cost maintenance, operation and service

Modular construction and purpose-designed clear access to all major components and piping means that inspection and preventative maintenance can be carried out quickly and effectively.

Automatic operation and regulation of the system, fail-safe design and fault indication facilities ensure correct, safe and reliable operation of the system.

A fully documented computer `history' with details of all component parts used is developed for each system produced and a comprehensive spare parts and consumables inventory is maintained by PALL ROCHEM to provide the operator with a quick response after-sales service.

  • Based wide range of standard systems

With 20 different sizes with capacities up to 300.000 litres/24 hours for sea water application and a similar number up to 700.000 litres/24 hours for brackish water. PALL ROCHEM can usually meet at short notice most customer requirements from its standard range. If not, larger capacity systems, or more specialised systems, are available on request.

  • Installed and operational in a matter of hours

Since every PALL ROCHEM RO system is completely assembled and fully tested prior to despatch from the factory and can be in full operation literally just a few hours after arriving on site as there are only four fixed or flexible pipe connections to make plus an electrical supply. Nothing else.

  • List of standard components

Filter booster pump . Sand filter or carbon filter Cartridge filter High-pressure pump system High-pressure control system RO DT module permeators Pure water deacidification filter Inbuilt closed circuit cleaning system Automatic pure water membrane flushing system Power and control system with microprocessor Full instrumentation and measurement equipment Comprehensive fail-safe system Fault indication Modular skid frame construction

  • Optional Equipment

Main raw-water supply pump Submersible well-water supply pump Pure water tank and distribution pump Chlorine dosing system Ultra violet disinfection system Containerised/mobile systems Self contained power supply Shock and vibration approved systems acc.to military standards Non-magnetic systems

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