Electricity generation and water desalinisation - powered by heat collected in highly saline lakes
How many people in rural Australia realise that the ongoing scourge of salinity has a gold lining. White gold - perhaps?.
Salt lakes can be used to produce ENERGY - surely one of the most valuable commodities in our community. There are many parts of Australia being used to produce wheat at a margin of $150 /ha/year when they could be producing energy worth $15,000/ha /year !
Solar Ponds |
Our aim is to revive the technology of solar ponds and make it a serious player in the alternative energy stakes. |
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Energy from salt lakes< Any lake absorbs heat from the sun. Normally, heat is lost as warm water rises to the surface and cools by evaporation. But water is a VERY poor conductor of heat and if this circulation can be stopped, the heat can be trapped in the bottom of the lake. A salt lake, (ideally about 3m deep), managed so that the water on top is of (relatively) low salinity and the water on the bottom is of very high salinity, will not circulate to release heat because the water on the bottom is so heavy with salt it cannot rise. The deeper water gets very hot - to over 100 degrees in the right circumstances - 80 degrees is common in the tropics. In Southern Australia 60 degrees C is easily achievable - even in winter. The main management problem is to extract heat at the right rate so the lake does not boil or 'turn over' and lose its heat. Run like this, such ponds are called 'Salt Gradient Solar Ponds' or just 'Solar Ponds'. Effectively, the pond acts as a very large, low cost, collector of solar heat. (There are also other types of solar ponds) As a form of solar energy, the solar pond collector has major advantages.
Solar ponds in
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Getting the energy out of the pond Energy, in the form of hot water, is extracted by circulating fresh water in pipes laid on the bottom of the pond.
Electricity from solar ponds !
To create electricity from the solar pond hot water is also a well understood technology. The convertor is called an 'Organic Rankine Cycle Engine' an ORC engine for short - named after a 19th century engineer. This is the same process used to extract energy from deep ocean temperature gradients off Japan. There are several more sophisticated technologies than the Rankine engine - but this is the easiest to describe and build.
A Rankine engine is used to convert waste heat from a solar pond (or any other source - such as industrial waste heat) into energy to drive a rotating shaft - which (most often) is used to drive a conventional alternator to make electricity.
The Rankine engine works by using the hot water to evaporate a low boiling point chemical, such as those used in refrigerators. That vapour then becomes a high pressure gas which can be used to drive a turbine and produce electricity. Once used, the gas is recirculated, cooled, condensed and recycled - same as in a refrigerator.
In fact, a low cost version of a Rankine engine can be build using 'off the shelf' industrial scale air conditioner parts. The units at Alice Springs and Birdsdville were built this way.
Solar pond built at Alice Springs in 1972 with close up of the Organic Rankine Engine power generator.
Pure, fresh, drinkable water from solar ponds
In all of Southern Australia, water supplies are overused and lack of fresh water is limiting development in many areas. Groundwater based supplies for both town water and irrigation are becoming salinised, and in many places there are very limited supplies of drinking grade water..
In many places - such as the Eyre Peninsula, most of south western and central WA, development has come to a standstill because of limited supplies of adequate quality water. Scientists tell us that climate change will cause rainfall to reduce and population continues to increase. We are running out of water, we need to look at new ways to obtain fresh water.
The popular conventional method of making fresh water from sea water is Reverse Osmosis - it requires a lot of electrical power and hence produces a lot of greenhouse gas. The vast, cheap supply of solar heat from a solar pond can be used to improve the output of old technology solar distillation systems and to improve the output of conventional system with less greenhouse gas emissions. More detail
Why are these technologies not better known?
There are four fundamental needs for this technology to be applicable.
It requires a lot of land area - land must be very low cost.
It requires a VERY large supply of salt water.
It works best if there is a high level of solar energy*
It requires an industry capable of using the hot water - (to justify the expense)
* however, solar ponds are used in northern countries to heat glass houses during freezing winters
These requirements usually only come together in desert areas which are near coasts and in salinised agricultural areas. The requirement for low cost land usually means a very low population where there is seldom an industrial base to use the power. Most of the first world does not have these land characteristics and the third world does not have the technology.
The "Catch 22' is that scientists don't bother with this technology, don't research it, and don't apply for research grants, because it is well understood, routine, and 'low tech'. So it does not get publicity !
There seems to be no technical or economic reason why solar pond produced power and water is not done more often. The reasons seem to be geographical and political.
While Israel uses the Dead Sea as a solar pond to make electricity, the Dead Sea is so saline that reverse osmosis is not an option. Many Middle Eastern countries use reverse osmosis to get fresh water from the sea, but have ready supplies of electricity powered by cheap oil - so they have no incentive to develop solar ponds. While there have been many small scale solar ponds built in the Southern USA for industrial and community heat supplies (eg town swimming pools), there seems to be a problem in those areas in getting an adequate salt supply and cost of salt is major running expense. The USA also has very cheap oil
A local history of solar ponds
This technology was used at several remote sites in Australia in the 1970's. Australian Solar Ponds P/L (now disbanded) built an experimental 0.5ha solar pond system at Alice Springs which produced electricity (net 15kW) on and off for several years. Enreco P/L built conversion units in the 1970s (Powered by hot water from the Great Artesian Basin) of up to 150kW - one of these is still functional at Birdsville. For more detail on solar pond development see 'History of solar ponds'
What will it cost?
For a detailed cost analysis see 'Economics of solar ponds for power and fresh water supplies'
In brief, the cost of power produced by a solar pond is about $180/MWh - about twice that of wind ($20-60 /Mwh- in a windy area) and three times that of coal fired power ($40/MWh). Photovoltaic (solar cells) combined with batteries to provide 24hour supply cost around $1000/MWh. Solar ponds come in at about three times the cost of wind power per watt but they are much more reliable - delivering power 24 hours a day and 365 days a year. ( For comparison , retail consumers in Adelaide pay around $200/MWh)
Like most solar energy systems, the running cost of solar pond power systems is negligable but the capital investment is considerable - most of the cost derives from the 'cost of capital'
Rises in power prices - particuarly recent peak power price in summer (when these systems are most effective) could make mains connected solar pond power systems financially viable in their own right.
Improving industrial efficiency
The energy conversion units will work on any form of waste heat. There are many sources of waste heat in industry, and the potential exists to convert this waste to readily saleable electrical power with a consequent increase in the efficiency of industrial processes.
Development partners required
We are seeking partners with an interest in dealing with the hydrological, biological and engineering problems of maintaining solar ponds. Some of the skills required relate to the behavior of larger bodies of water, others to dam construction and refrigeration engineering.
I see this as an opportunity to develop a new technology (or to be more precise, a new application of established technologies). There are many places in the world which have all the requirements for solar pond generated electricity and the need of new supplies of fresh water. While many of these places are in the third world (where much of our aid money is already targeted at providing potable water), there is also great opportunity in Australia.
RIGHT NOW, Streaky Bay and other towns on Eyre Peninsula cannot develop because they need both a power supply and a water supply. All the requirements are there:- salt water, sun, and low cost land.
RIGHT NOW, many towns in South Western Australia and many of the towns just west of the Great Divide in NSW have rising saline water which is wrecking buildings and roads and contaminating groundwater supplies. Solar ponds have the potential to provide decentralised town power as well as to provide power to run pumps to lower saline water levels - the same saline water which would be used to generate the power.
RIGHT NOW, the Murray-Darling basin authorities are spending millions of dollars to pump salt water from the ground into saline evaporation lakes to lower saline water tables and protect the river. 200GigaLitre /year in 2006 and rising - enough to maintain a 200ha lake and produce 10Mw of power. Converting them to lined solar ponds would stop the huge environmental damage they cause now.
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While solar ponds are a novelty, they would represent a minor tourism opportunity.
There is obvious potential to add a salt extraction operation, although at $30/ton raw salt is generally not worth harvesting if it needs to be transported any distance. Depending on the source of the saline water, impurities in the salt may be worth harvesting - magnesium and potassium salts are valuable
On a large scale, there are many tourism industries - A hypersaline lake resort coupled with hot spa (powered by solar pond hot water) is just one possibility. In Isreal the Dead Sea has a huge tourist industry based on hypersaline swimming - some hotels there have over 400 beds+. But that's just one idea - we came up with many, from the sort of things a school could set up, to multimillion dollar tourist ventures. See (Making money from saline water)
The most likely add-on industry is the production of brine shrimp - a valuable fish food for fingerlings in the aquaculture industry.
Who are we ?
The partners in this group are
Cliff Hignett - agricultural consultant , cliff.hignett@enersalt.com.au 61 8 8276 7706
Ray White - retired manufacturing refrigeration specialist (manufacturer of the ORC units pictured)
Heinz Rechten - Crest Energy Solutions, North Adelaide SA
Primary contact Cliff Hignett 61 08 8276 7706 , cliff.hignett@enersalt.com.au
Our aim is to revive the technology of solar ponds and make it a serious player in the alternative energy stakes.